Living with little money in college is no picnic. Almost all students go through college this way. When your paycheck or allowance barely covers your expenses, it can be a struggle to afford all of those extra things that you need in college. Saving money where you can will make a big difference in the long run. Little by little, you can save up a substantial amount. Overspending is a big problem among college students. Most are experiencing freedom and independence for the first time in their lives. Avoid impulse items at the checkout and avoid the mall at all costs. Shopping thrift stores and trading up outfits with friends can save you a lot on clothing. Be a bargain shopper and go straight for clearance racks. Save those pricier items that you really want for your Christmas and birthday lists! Learning patience with yourself will be one lesson that will serve you for your whole life. Making extra money can be very helpful as well. When you do not have too much studying to do, take over shifts for co-workers or ask for a little overtime. Do not hesitate to fill out applications at places that might pay you more or give you better experience for your major. Clothing can be sold at consignment shops, books can be resold to the campus book store and household items, as well as name brand clothing, can bring in more money than you might have realized on online auction sites. Think about your skills and determine what types of services you might can offer on the side. Are you good at painting, lawn care, babysitting or housecleaning? You may be surprised what people are willing to pay for these services. People are generally happy to help out college students over professionals in these areas as well. You can even make flyers or signs to attract people’s attention. Some other ideas include washing cars, tutoring, cleaning gutters, cutting grass, typing term papers, or delivering groceries for those who do not have time.Saving money on your frivolous purchases is job number one. If you depend on fast food calculate how much you are spending every month and figure out how much you can save by cutting it down to once a week. Calculating how much you save every month will serve as a great motivational tool. Saving on transportation can make a huge difference with gas prices soaring through the roof. Start a carpool, take the bus, train or subway, or simply ride your bike to work and school. Find other ways to lower your bills. Compare cell phone services, cable, home phone and internet bundle services. Cut back on the energy that you use in your home. Do not leave the TV, radio, or phone chargers plugged in when you are not using them. They still drain power even if they are turned off. Stick to a budget. This is the hardest part! Figure out how much money you make and overestimate what your bills will be. If you really are in over your head, you might consider student loans. Make your payments on time and build your personal credit.
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